Published May 2, 2006
FGF Rules
Fighting Gamecocks Forum Rules
Last updated Aug. 30, 2008
All comments for and complaints about the moderators and site should be handled
privately (not on the forum). After you have read the following information, you
may contact the moderators by clicking
Fighting Gamecocks Forum is for discussion of Gamecock sports and recruiting.
- Posts to buy, sell or give away tickets should
be posted on the ticket exchanges.
- Posts about politics, religion and other controversial topics should be posted on Small Talk.
Please don't post a message on another forum and then post a link to it on FGF.
This forum is for Gamecock fans. Fans from other teams may visit and even
participate, but it is not a smack talk board.
1. No repetitive negative posting. What is that? Saying the same types of things about the same
topic over and over.
2. No personal attacks. If you disagree with someone else's opinion, simply state why you disagree without
attacking or getting personal.
3. No bashing of recruits, players, coaches or administrators. Specifically,
the moderators define bashing as "criticism presented in a non-thoughtful manner."
Criticism is allowed, but that does NOT mean you have free range to bash a
player or coach with your comments. If you disagree with how someone played or the
effort put forward, please voice your opinion and state why you hold that
opinion in a respectful manner.
4. No venting. This forum is not a place to "freak out" after a
loss or whenever a recruit chooses another school.
5. No stalking/harassing. Don't start a new thread just to call out
another member. Don't bring up another member in a thread that he did not
start or was not involved in just to get a reaction from him.
6. No trolling. Don't post something just to elicit negative responses.
7. Don't be a butt. Sometimes it's making a rude and unnecessary comment. Sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it.
8. No posting of commercial offers, competing websites or spamming of the
9. No messages for recruits. It could potentially be an NCAA
10. No links to or displays of pornographic or obscene material of any kind
(including images in signatures and avatars).
11. No profanity. That includes using abbreviations or changing one letter of
a swear word such that the word is still interpreted by most as profane.
12. Don't correct someone's spelling or grammar.
13. The moderators reserve the right to remove any
post and blacklist any member that they feel significantly contributes to a
decline in the overall quality and/or civility of the forum.
- When a subject begins to dominate the forum (when there are dozens of threads about the same thing),
the moderators may start an 'official thread' for that particular subject. Any additional posts about that subject posted
outside of the official thread will be deleted. Having an official thread DOES
NOT mean we want you to stop talking about a subject; it means we don't want
that specific subject to dominate the forum. Please note that we CANNOT merge
- All posts during a game should be in a single game thread.
- Err on
the side of caution. While revising the rules we removed a large portion of the previous rules.
Many of the rules remain the same, but we no longer attempt to list every
example of breaking a rule. If you think your post might be borderline, err on
the side of caution.
- You don't have to
respond to a post you disagree with.
- Don't post when you're angry. It's ok to turn off your computer sometimes.
- Don't click on posts that you know will upset you. Only you have control of your mouse.
- If you don't like what is being discussed on a particular day, please start
some new discussions.
- Heated discussions are to be expected at times, but stay away from getting
- Feel free to ask questions and start discussions, but please read the forum before posting.
- Do not post using ALL CAPS. It is internet code for YELLING and is seldom appropriate.
- Very large signature mess up the forum for other users. Please keep your
signature to a reasonable size.
- We all have our pet peeves. When you see one of your pet peeves, just ignore
Why didn't you contact me before I was blacklisted?
purchased Rivals earlier this year. At this time, the moderators do not have access to
most member email addresses. Therefore, we are not be able to issue warnings.
How long will the blacklist last?
It depends on the severity of the offense, whether it's a repeat offense and
the "tone" you use when contacting us.
I've been blacklisted. What is the process to be reinstated?
In most cases, you must contact us before the blacklist will be canceled. Please keep in mind that blasting the moderators or threatening
to cancel will not help your cause. If you received an insult, ultimatum or
threat, what would your response be?
My post was deleted. Why?
Two possibilities. One, your post broke one of the rules or needed to be
deleted for another reason. Two, your post may have been fine but you replied to a post
that was deleted.
My post was deleted but posts worse that mine remain. Why?
We try to keep a close watch on the forum but missing bad posts is inevitable.
Please let us know if you see an inappropriate post.
If I am blacklisted, is my subscription canceled and will I get a refund?
Only a member can make changes to his subscription, including
cancellation. If you are blacklisted, your subscription is not canceled, and thus you still have access to premium content.
Additionally, does not issue refunds for unused portions of
subscriptions. When you cancel your subscription, you will continue to have
access to premium content until the end of your current subscription term.
How do I contact the moderators?
You may contact the moderators by clicking here.
I've contacted the moderators. Why haven't I received a reply?
The moderator that deleted your post or blacklisted you may not be online. Or
the moderator may be waiting for you to calm down.
It's a free country, why can't I say whatever I want on the forums?
Yes, it is a free country, but the forums are
privately owned.